Friday, 16 November 2012

Braids stories

So, back to my hair runs.

Told you guys, earlier, that I was working on covering my hair with braid extensions because of my damaged hair and how the extensions do not last very long because, your natural hair will start to grow from the root portion of the extensions and it makes the hair look very untidy.

For instance, if you look at the roots of my hair in the above picture, you'll see that the new growth. So that even if the rest of the hair still looks all shinny and neat, that portion of the hair isn't such a hot look.

So, the only option was to keep taking out the braids and replacing them with new ones. I should also add that I equally had to cut my hair short and start growing it all again without adding any chemicals to it to make it straight. But whenever I wanted it straight, I would flat iron it.

So, that was how I was rocking my nappy hair, mehn!

One more thing I forgot to mention was that at this point we were living in Saudi Arabia where there was no excess to someone doing my hair for me because according to them, they didn't do 'African hair' and so I was forced to learn how to work my hair all by myself. Well, except for the braids- there were some West African ladies who fixed the braids living in Saudi Arabia. However, their charges were like highway robbery by Nigerian standards.

So, there was a wedding and I needed to do something fun to my hair, so I decided to give 'em some of my University flavour by mixing different colours of the extensions.

It was all fine and dandy until I had to wash the hair only after 3 weeks or so and the whole thing started falling apart! I was like 'No more!'. I mean with what they were charging for such shoddy work, I wasn't going to go that route anymore. something had to give...

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